
10:54 PM Steph

My dear friend B just came home from Japan after pursuing her PhD. But this blog is not about her... sorry B! =D hehe

This is about me turning Japanese!

B brought me a Yukata as 'pasalubong' (souvenir). Yukata, which literally means bath(ing) clothes, is a casual Japanese summer kimono. Like other traditional Japanese clothes, a Yukata is made with straight seams and wide sleeves. Unlike formal kimono, however, a yukata is made of cotton and not silk. I had to consult Youtube so as to find instructions on how to wear the Yukata (there was an instruction leaflet that came with the Yukata, but it's in Japanese).

My first attempt at wearing the outfit was sloppy! As my friend said, "Mukhang suman!" The one featured here is my second attempt at donning the Yukata... Pretty decent for a junior [psycho]geophysicist now, right?

Now all I need are those wooden clog slippers to go with this dress...
*where to find? where to find?*

P.S. Thanks B! This really made my day!


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