The Lady in the Mac Store

12:10 AM Steph

My friend and I were checking out gadgets at the Mac Store earlier today when we heard a woman ask one of the Mac salesmen this question:

"Can I play Farmville and Mafia Wars using this notebook?"

My friend and I silently exchanged sinister looks (and snickers) upon hearing that remark.  Apparently, the lovely lady (insert sarcasm here) doesn't have any inkling as to what new notebooks are capable of, and a friggin' MAC at that!  Hmmm... maybe she was thinking all this time that MAC, the cosmetic line, just started selling notebooks... good theory.  Seems like she doesn't even know the difference between an OS and a disk drive.  I do hope she knows what a mouse is, though. *snicker*  Speaking of, the new magic mouse is still not available here. Bummer...  and I though I'd be able to finally 'feel' magic.

Anyways, back to the story.  She did look like she has the moolah to buy the notebook, though.  Life really is unfair sometimes.  Those who can afford stuff are those who do not know the real power of the stuff they are buying (except for status symbol, i guess. Ha!) while those who know how to use those stuff for more productive venues are the ones who can't afford them.

Oh well, so much for being born poor.


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