Mountain Dew Glow in the Dark

12:22 PM Steph

A friend posted the following video on Facebook:

Wanna see the chemical reaction that made Montain Dew neon-y glow?

Click below!

I wanted to impress you all by supplying the exact chmeical reaction that supposedly takes place when carbonated drinks (in this case, Mountain Dew), baking soda and hydrgen peroxide react to form some new compound/s and the most important thing in the video: luminiscence!... so i snooped around the internet (hehe, i don't wanna delve into stoichiometry right now, past is past!), but instead found out from Wiredscience that the video is a hoax. *groan

And this video was disproved in 2007!  *gasp! gasp!

Oh well, so much for trying to impress you people =P


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