BANGUNGOT: Sleep Paralysis

12:55 AM Steph

Ever woken up in the middle of the night (or day) with the realization that you are unable to move?  Or just before falling asleep?  Freakishly scary right?

I remember having this experience a couple of times in the past (both upon waking up or just before falling asleep), sometimes with accompanying buzzing sounds or feelings that there is a 'presence' in the room with me.  I've always felt panicky whenever I have these episodes,  There were even times when the bangugot occur in successive days that I simply dread sleep. I'm always convinced that I was about to die (death by BANGUNGOT, how ironic can that be?!), until I read from a dream interpretation thread about a year (or more?) ago about this phenomenon.  A little consultation with Mr. Wikipedia brought these words:

Sleep paralysis occurs during REM sleep, thus preventing the body from manifesting movements made in the subject's dreams. Very little is known about the physiology of sleep paralysis.  However, some have suggested that it may be linked to post-synaptic inhibition of motor neurons in the pons region of the brain.  In particular, low levels of melatonin may stop the depolarization current in the nerves, preventing the stimulation of the muscles and any consequent enactment of the dream activity by the body (e.g. preventing a sleeper from flailing his legs when dreaming about running).

In other words, sleep paralysis or bangungot is just a result of our brain blocking out certain neurotransmitters so our body will not be able to act out the dream we are having.  Sometimes, we regain consciousness even before the neurotransmitters are unblocked, thus the inability to move.

Being a total fan of science [give me any scientific explanation/proof, and i will believe you =)], I felt relief and stopped scaring the sh*t out of myself whenever I feel Bangungot kicking in.  Instead, I just ignore the bangungot and resume sleeping!  And it was a big, big, big relief actually, liberating even, not being afraid of experiencing bangungot.

Now, nothing can take me away from my precious sleep! :D

Goodnight (errr... morning) everyone! 


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