bedtime readings

1:53 PM Steph

A repost from my other blog
Post Date: August 23, 2009
Note: Everything written in this entry is still true as of today... tsk tsk tsk

Being the slow reader that I am, these books have been lying on my bedside table for some time now (please don't mind the stains on my desk, been trying to clean them up but it's futile).

From bottom to top:
Sawi by Loredo, Patino, Santos
The Art of War by Sun Tzu
Reader's Digest, May 2009 Issue (!)
The Tale of the Body Thief by Anne Rice
The Bonesetter's Daughter by Amy Tan
The Vampire Armand by Anne Rice
Grotesque by Matsudo Kirino

Every night (well, almost) I randomly pick one book and read two or three pages, just to make my eyes tired so I can fall asleep.

Apart from that, thanks to my short attention span (a friend once told me i have ADHD), I don't stick to reading just one book for a certain number of nights so as to finish it. (hmmm... sounds dubious in the context of relationships, watchatink? haha), hence the excessive timespan these books have been sitting on my table.

Oh well, it helps me fall asleep!


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