Corpses not Spared by Pepeng

10:40 AM Steph

Upon logging into the internet today, I was shocked by one of the headlines in Yahoo News Philippines:

Bodies Float in Flooded Botolan Cemetery

Bodies from the Botolan Municipal Cemeteries in Barangay Paco, Botolan, Zambales were disturbed from their restful state when waters from the Bucao River overflowed and flooded the area.  Some 200 caskets and bodies were seen floating on floodwaters, shocking and devastating residents.

As if it is not enough that those who were affected by the devastation caused by Typhoon Pepeng need to worry about taking care of their basic necessities, now, they even have to add to their long list of worries their long-deceased relatives.
The residents must really feel awful right now.  Sad.

* Note:  Here is a Video featuring this incident by ABS-CBN News.


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