Poor Baby
I just gave Garnet her weekly bath. The usual routine: brush coat, wet coat, shampoo, rinse, apply conditioner, rinse, towel dry with cuddle, and finally blow dry while brushing coat (too much stuff to do to groom a pet? please refer to her pic below so you'll understand). I used a new slicker brush as a final touch to give her hair more shine and remove loose undercoat.
Garnet is a pain during grooming hours. She hates, no, she abhors the water, the brush and the toe nail clipper. She would whine so hard and loud whenever I groom her, especially when I reach her legs. So it didn't really bother me when she cried so persistently loud while I was on the process of removing a stubborn mat on her hind leg using the slicker brush.
I didn't realize I was hurting her big time until I saw blood staining her coat.
Poor poor baby. *sob I gave her extra treats to make up for my hurting her.
Lesson learned: be gentle in using the slicker brush.