Just for laughs: It's Payback Time

3:31 PM Steph

Somebody's been calling me a [psycho]physicist...

Well lady, now it's payback time! *evil laughter

Your grammar is too crude for a self-confessed elementary and high school valedictorian AND a graduate from a 'premier' university (topping departmental exams and all! whoa!).  Here are just *some* of your mishaps:

Have played GTA before but never had the chance to moved on :(

How to find Turtle in Farmville | What does a Turtle in Farmville yields

"If you haven’t purchased yet those Limited Edition of Halloween items from the Farmville market, play now until it’s too late!

Here are the official list of Farmville Flowers:

Cliché as may sound, but I have learned to value my life even more given the tragedy brought by Ondoy which has caused toll of deaths and casualties in our country.

Just for laughs! =P



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