Cebu Dancing Inmates

11:55 AM Steph

 Now here's another treat from the "Dancing Inmates" of the  Cebu Provincial Detention and Rehabilitation Center (CPDRC)

choreography:  Travis Payne (long time choreographer of Michael Jackson)
back-up dancers:  Daniel Celebre and Dres Reid

Einstein and PI

8:16 AM Steph

today 3/14,  is PI day and Albert Einstein's birthday

hoooray to two of the most famous and important entities on Earth!

2:22 PM Steph

and this is what i've been tinkering on for the past two days


rusty tools

and copper sulfate porous pots

i feel like a boy =|


Male Nudity anyone?

10:00 AM Steph

here are funny japanese videos showcasing the male anatomy. hehehe


1:20 PM Steph

i can't help but love myself in this picture =D

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