Twilight Saga, in a nutshell

4:37 PM Steph

A friend sent an email today and it reminded me of that dreamy day I watched Twilight at the movies.  I watched it with a friend at Trinoma when it was shown early this year...  My friend purchased tickets for Laz-y-boy seats (big spender, I know.  It was a treat, so who am I to take the offer down??? =P).  The air at the cinema was excited, it was THE vampire movie of the year afterall.  While watching the film, my friend and I really got the time of our lives.  It was one of the MOST Cheesy vampire flicks I've ever watched in my entire life!  We were taking notes on the cheesy lines exchanged by Bella and Edward as the film played.  Nyahahahahaha

So without further adieu, here is the Twilight Saga, in a nutshell:


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