11:37 AM Steph

I am feeling anxious today, I need to stay sane so I recovered this poem from way back.

It was written by a friend for me.  It gives me the extra boost whenever I feel uninspired and falling apart.  The title of this poem is ESTEPHANIE

by guerdon

maybe you feel at home,
commingling with rocks,
buried in conundrums
between diamonds
and corundums,
wrapped in the different shades
of schist and shale;
you peer at the world
behind silicon windows,
coloring your universe
with quartz-diffracted light;
thinking of heaven
you wonder how such imperfect
could belong to spheres celestial,
and then you see yourself,
and think:
carbon to diamond….
and you wonder no more.

From Carbon to Diamond... extreme heat and pressure, trials and tribulations.


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