Geek Love

2:07 AM Steph

[Note:  a repost from my other blog, posted August 18, 2009]

i found this cool (i.e. geeky) t-shirt design at this link through stumble

there is a solution to these formulas, i think.

 , in math can be generated by the following formulas
for the cardiod:

 (x2 + y2 - 2ax)2 = 4a2(x2 + y2)

            r = 2a(1 + cos(θ))

i am not a math major, but maybe this might work? hehe

seriously, i wish love was so much easier to understand/solve/decipher.  mas happy sana ang life diba?

as the saying goes: 'suffering is an option, happiness is a choice'...

you can just be happy and thankful for the situation you are in, at least you have someone... it's like the classic half full or half empty glass (marami nang nakakaalam nito) or the 80% - 20% rule. 

the point is, should you be happy with what you have or should you be miserable because you know you lack something?   should you go out in search of the missing 20% when you already have that 80% reason you are with someone in the first place?

or choose to walk away so you can stop being miserable?

it is a matter of perspective.  be happy or be miserable.  be miserably happy?  or happily miserable?

i am just rambling here... haha

tama nga nga!

this could also apply to career choice, friends, etc.


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