
10:55 PM Steph

I dunno which hurts more:

being sick or paying the hospital bill

health insurance wanted

Comics#1:   Bottomliners by Eric and Bill Teitelbaum
About Bottomlimers:

Cartoonists Eric and Bill Teitelbaum skewer the world of business and finance in Bottom Liners, a nationally syndicated business comic panel appearing six times weekly. Bottom Liners tackles subjects such as foreign takeovers, office politics, getting a raise and the fast-paced world of Wall Street.

Comics#2:  The Boiling Point by Mikhaela Reid
About the Boiling Point:

Self–described “angry cartoonist” Mikhaela Reid’s multi–panel weekly strip The Boiling Point offers up her unique and steaming blend of passionate political satire, darkly whipsmart humor, moral outraged–ousness and fully engaged give–a–damn fun. From “Dick Cheney’s Magical Universe” to “The Brighter Side of Middle East Violence”, from “Bush Versus My Cat” to “Every Sperm Is Sacred!”, Reid’s boldly drawn and ingeniously conceived commentaries offer those steamed off by these ill–tempered times a well–crafted outlet for mental venting.



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