Good News, Bad News

2:19 AM Steph

First, the good news.  Salary just got in today....

Bad news:  I lost my love of my life phone: my Sony Ericsson K800i who's been with me for more than three years now... =,(  It's the first phone I ever bought using my own money (well, partly... 'rents gave me half of the money i need to buy it).  I've got lots of pictures stored in there.  Important phone numbers, messages worth keeping (i am sentimental), recorded phone calls.  Lots of memories.

I must have left it at the hotel at cocktails last night.  The last time I remember using it was when I checked my email for new messages whilst chatting with friends.   I do hope K800i is at the Lost and Found Department, although it seems hoping is a lost cause because phone has been turned off (by whoever found it). 

First order of business upon waking up:  Call EDSA Shangri-La.


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